
Welcome to my blog. I have put this blog together so that the information contained within it can be shared by and with those who like myself, are fully engaged in the discussion of rebuilding our American neighborhoods with a broad spectrum of new, energy technologies, product technologies and regulatory frameworks that will enable community developers, planners and homeowners a comprehensive dialogue as to the extent of detail needed to accomplish such goals.

I hope you enjoy my essays. I hope you find them both thought provoking and constructive and I hope that from within many productive discussions, new and substantive community based economic revitalization issues come forth.

Thanks for stopping by.

Mike Patrick Dahlke.

Panel 1


Taking apart neighborhoods and putting them back together again through the development of comprehensive mixed energy based public utility models, equally comprehensive building and zoning code models, alternative transportation blueprinting, construction trades team building, community based education and economic development modeling. Broad based knowledge of all design, engineering and construction fields associated with both residential and commercial building energy retrofits and total building renovations. Building green, environmentally focused and highly personalized home and work environments since 1974. Recipient of awards, formal accolades, local and national media exposure with a strong, professional and worldwide  online blog readership audience. Accomplished studies in multiple, mixed energy development and manufacturing sectors, environmental law, NAICS analysis, national and international building codes, community based investment banking and municipal bonds, multifaceted federal and state regulatory policy,  construction trades apprenticeship modeling and consumer based product marketing and education.

Panel 2
